Welcome to . Domain Name Registration, your
source for quality domain registration, SSL certificates and DNS
Unlike other major registrars such as Network
solutions and Register.com who charge $35 or more per year, we offer 1
year registrations for only $15 (.com .net .org) and also have options
to lock in your domain savings for two, five or even ten years!
now available for live registration! International support with .nu .net
.ws .cc .ca .co.uk .nl .fr .at .be .de .dk .it .ch .nu .md .tv etc.
Register your own country domain at the same time as the .com!
Network Solutions |
Register.com |
$34.99 |
$35.00 |
$15.00 |
. Domain Name Registration provides the same
registration service at a significant savings. We have a policy of
fair and honest pricing and have not increased yearly charges in over 9
years! If you find a less expensive domain price with another
provider, check to ensure they don't partake in bait and switch pricing.
For example, Yahoo recently offered domains at a loss to gain customers
only to change pricing on renewal with a 500% increase! The result
was many customers were charged the higher rate before renewal.
Transfer and Save:
For your existing domains choose our transfer option to change
registrars and pay only $15 per year! Transfer at any time, a full
year will be added to the current expiry date of your domain so there is
no need to wait until you are close to expiry. There are no
additional fees, you get the same service, another full year and save
$20 on each domain you own every year. Use our bulk transfer
option to move multiple domains at once and watch your savings grow!
Don't miss our
offering information on how to best select a domain name for your
Looking for more great domain ideas? Check out the expired domains
to see domains that were once registered and now available for you to
register. Understand your rights through the ICANN Registrar
Responsibilities and Educational
NEW: We now offer multilingual / international
domain name registrations!